Nanometrology Webinar Series

Metrology, the study of measurement, enables researchers to measure the properties and performance of materials and devices and to generate data from laboratory experiments. Over the past 20 years of nanotechnology R&D, many areas of research have required the development of tools, methods, and techniques to characterize and evaluate materials, devices, and formulations. Nanometrology, the study of nanoscale measurement, presents a unique set of challenges due to the small size of the materials, often requiring more sensitive and innovative tools, methods, and techniques to obtain and understand characterization data.

Previous webinars in the series can be found below.

Past Webinars:

  • January 5: An Introduction to Nanometrology: History, State-of-the-Art, and Philosophy
  • February 2: Nanometrology for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment
  • March 1: Metrology of Nanoscale Medical and Pharmaceutical Products
  • April 5: Metrology of Nanoparticles in Electronics
  • Oct. 4: Nanometrology for Continuous and Automated Manufacturing
  • Nov. 1: Nanometrology Involving Big Data, AI, and Modeling
January 5: An Introduction to Nanometrology: History, State-of-the-Art, and Philosophy

This introductory webinar, on the history, state-of-the-art, and philosophy of nanometrology, will set the stage for the nanometrology webinar series. The following topics will be discussed:

Introduction to the philosophy of nanometrology – how we decide what we measure and how we make decisions on the development of measurement methods; Cutting-edge technologies that enable nanoscale measurements; A case study of the history of challenges and advancements with nanoscale SEM.


Elisabeth Mansfield
Andras Vladar
Angela Hight-Walker
February 2: Nanometrology for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment

This webinar will describe measurement challenges when addressing concerns related to nano-enabled agriculture and the environmental fate of nanoplastics. The following topics will be discussed:

  • Nano-enabled agriculture;
  • Nano-Enabled Delivery of Biomacromolecules for Plant Genetic Engineering;
  • Environmental effects and transport of biodegradable micro- and nanoplastics.


Gözde S. Demirer
California Institute of
Jason C. White
Connecticut Agricultural
Experiment Station
Douglas Hayes
University of Tennessee
March 1: Metrology of Nanoscale Medical and Pharmaceutical Products

This webinar will address measurement challenges in medicine and pharmaceuticals regarding the manufacture, characterization, and targeting of nano-enabled drug products. The following topics will be discussed:

  • Continuous manufacturing of nanoparticulate drug products;
  • Single-particle fluorescence measurement as a characterization tool for nanoparticles;
  • Analytical Characterization of Targeting Ligands on Polymeric Nanoparticles.


Antonio Costa
University of Connecticut,
DIANT Pharma
Jean-Luc Fraikin
Roger Pak
BioTx Pharmaceutical R&D, Pfizer, Inc.
April 5: Metrology of Nanoparticles in Electronics

This webinar will discuss recent advances and current challenges in metrology related to the synthesis, characterization, and application of nanoparticles in electronics. The following topics will be discussed:

  • Device engineering with nanoparticle building blocks;
  • Challenges and opportunities for nano-optical characterization and fabrication of  2D material systems;
  • High-throughput Synthesis and Characterization of Colloidal Inorganic Nanoparticles. 


Nicholas J. Borys
Montana State University
Emory Chan
Molecular Foundry,
Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory
Farnaz Niroui
Massachusetts Institute of
Oct. 4: Nanometrology for Continuous and Automated Manufacturing

This webinar will describe challenges related to in-line and at-line measurements in continuous systems and measurements made in automated systems. The following topics will be discussed:

  • In-line characterization of nanomaterials, such as boron nitride nanotubes during plasma synthesis;
  • Automation and characterization of heterostructures from 2D nanomaterials with the QPress;
  • Development and challenges of automation and characterization involving “self-driving” fluidic systems for smart manufacturing of nanomaterials.


Yevgeny Raitses
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Suji Park
Center for Functional Nanomaterials at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Milad Abolhasani
North Carolina State University

Nov. 1: Nanometrology Involving Big Data, AI, and Modeling

This webinar will address the types of measurement and analysis challenges in fields of nanotechnology that may be bottlenecked by computational challenges and large datasets.

  • 4D-STEM, its big data challenges, and solutions;
  • Development of the spatiotemporally-resolved digital twin tool;
  • Development of the JARVIS (Joint Automated Repository for Various Integrated Simulations) database and its associated tools.


Colin Ophus
Stanford University
Subramanian Sankaranarayanan
Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Laboratory
Kamal Choudhary
National Institute of Standards and Technology